What Should You Do When You Receive a Cease And Desist Letter From A Lawyer?

If you’re a fashion designer starting your own label, it’s essential to think about how you will protect the intellectual property in your clothing designs and brand. You will need to consider your options from a design, copyright, and trademark law perspective to decide on your IP protection strategy. This article looks at some of the basics you’ll need to think about.

Can You Stop Someone From Copying Your Products?

If you’re a fashion designer starting your own label, it’s essential to think about how you will protect the intellectual property in your clothing designs and brand. You will need to consider your options from a design, copyright, and trademark law perspective to decide on your IP protection strategy. This article looks at some of the basics you’ll need to think about.

Influencers – A Practical Compliance Check List

Working with social media influencers is a powerful way for brands to reach consumers and gain their trust. But like traditional advertising, social media marketing must comply with the provisions of the Australian Consumer Law and must not mislead or deceive consumers.

5 Things Start Ups Need To Do To Protect Their Brand

There are many things to consider when starting a new business, especially in this fast-paced online world. Among the most important is setting up your company to enable you to be successful while minimising any potential issues down the line. This will save you time and money in the long run.