Stolen IP: Who owns intellectual property created by independent contractors and employees?

In our work we see many people who do not own the intellectual property in a particular piece of work, such as software, photographs or designs, they firmly believed they did. This is because copyright ownership and copyright infringement are topics that can be highly misunderstood and complicated. One of the most commonly misunderstood aspects […]
Defending Copyright Infringement Claims | What To Do When You Receive A Cease And Desist Letter

Defending copyright infringement claims can be challenging. In this article we explore the most common types of copyright infringement, the possible consequences, what happens if an infringement was unintentional, and what to do first when you receive a cease and desist copyright infringement letter. Received a letter accusing you or your business of copyright infringement? […]
What Should You Do When You Receive a Cease And Desist Letter From A Lawyer?

If you’re a fashion designer starting your own label, it’s essential to think about how you will protect the intellectual property in your clothing designs and brand. You will need to consider your options from a design, copyright, and trademark law perspective to decide on your IP protection strategy. This article looks at some of the basics you’ll need to think about.
Protecting The Intellectual Property in Your Fashion Designs

If you’re a fashion designer starting your own label, it’s essential to think about how you will protect the intellectual property in your clothing designs and brand. You will need to consider your options from a design, copyright, and trademark law perspective to decide on your IP protection strategy. This article looks at some of the basics you’ll need to think about.
Can I Share A Photograph Taken Of Me By Someone Else?

You might think that if someone takes a photo of you, you have the right to post it to your own social media or use it as you see fit. But that is not correct. According to copyright law, the person who took the photograph, or their employer, usually owns the copyright in the photograph and has the exclusive rights, amongst other things, to publish it online or in print.
Brand-Jamming – Can Parody Save You?

Brand-jamming can be a really effective (and sometimes controversial) way to use a well-known company’s brand value to grab public attention, often to the detriment of the brand. In other words, you use the brand against itself. Think of the McDiabetes spoof on McDonald’s to highlight the health concerns around fast food. But as most brands have copyright and trade mark protection, is it legal?